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and score the job you’ve always wanted.

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A structured, self-paced learning that connects the military community to the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow.
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Step 1:

Tools to help you create a great resume and LinkedIn profile.
Get a resume template that’s based on what real employers want to see.
Create beautiful, professional resumes in minutes, free.
An AI-powered platform instantly gives you tailored feedback on your resume and LinkedIn profile.
Leverage VMock SMART Career Platform to zip through your prep and land that dream job!
Create a beautiful resume, impress your future employer,
and score the job you’ve always wanted.
A structured, self-paced learning that connects the military community to the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow.
A structured, self-paced learning that connects the military community to the skills needed for the jobs of tomorrow.
Choose from 130,000 online video courses with new additions published every month

Step 2:

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Keep learning in the moments that matter.
Explore over 16,000 free and paid courses.

Step 3:

Tips To Nail Your Interview

Job interviews can be overwhelming, especially if your prospective employer wants to chat face-to-face online. In recent years, online job interviews have become more popular and many companies regularly use video conferencing to conduct preliminary interviews; But especially in the wake of the pandemic, it has become much easier and cheaper to conduct online job interviews.


Job interviews can be overwhelming, especially if your prospective employer wants to chat face-to-face online. In recent years, online job interviews have become more popular and many companies regularly use video conferencing to conduct preliminary interviews; But especially in the wake of the pandemic, it has become much easier and cheaper to conduct online job interviews.

While online interviews are similar to traditional in-person meetings, they have some important differences that candidates should be prepared for. For example, depending on the type of online interview you are participating in, there are some cases where you are simply recording your responses rather than chatting with a live person on the other end. There are other cases where they allow you access to the interviewer's screen, to solve exam-type exercises. This can be stressful for some candidates.

Going through an online job interview for the first time can be scary, but don't worry! Here are some tips to help you succeed:

In this day and age, technology can be overwhelming as well, especially with online interviews, but the most important thing is to feel comfortable using whatever method your prospective employee prefers (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc.). Test these tools with friends or family before the interview to familiarize yourself with the tools. It's also important to test your internet connection as well as your audio and sound capabilities to make sure everything is working properly.

Pro Tip: Before you log in, ask the interviewer what the format is. Here are some questions to ask to make sure you are prepared:

Is it an audio interview or both audio and video?
Is there someone on the other side of the video or are the questions pre-recorded?
If they are pre recorded, how likely do I have to record my answer?
What do I do or who do I call if I start to have technical difficulties?

Choose a place where you can place the device stable, that it will not move during the interview, such as on a desk or dining table. Observe what is in your background when you are practicing for the interview. Try to choose a place where the people who live in your house will not pass behind you, and especially that a bathroom or the entrance of the house will not be seen in the background, this is in case if you will not be alone at the time of the interview. Make sure the area is not too dark, but also stay away from overhead lights during the interview if possible, ideally your face is clearly visible and not too light or too dark. If possible, try to get comfortable near a window. Natural light is best because poor lighting can be distracting. A glare could make it difficult for the interviewer to see you, and you always want to put your best foot (or in this case, face) forward!

Pro Tip: Find a good place to hold your online meeting the day before to make sure you're not in a rush before the interview.

Silence anything that might interfere with your conversation, including the phone and email notifications on your computer. Be careful to ensure that there is no background noise, such as music that someone else is listening to in your home, or a blender running from the kitchen.

Pro Tip: Make sure no one else is around when you complete the interview, including pets. Interviewers comment that they had cats walking across the computer screen and logging out, a half-dressed man walking across the room in the background, and stacks of dirty clothes in plain sight. Don't put your career in jeopardy if you're not prepared!

Although you will not be meeting with your interviewer in person, be sure to dress for success and sit up straight. First impressions are important and your appearance is crucial to making a good one. Check our clothing section in this link, for more details on this topic.

Pro tip: Don't forget to smile! Whether you're talking to a real person during the videoconference or recording your responses, smile like you would during an in-person interview, and always keep a positive attitude.

Go over your resume and practice your main talking points if you are nervous. Remember to slow down when speaking; it can be easy to talk to people on online calls.

Pro Tip: Although this particular interview is being conducted online, don't forget to review your traditional interviewing skills. You'll want to have your answers ready for some of the more common interview questions and samples in case they ask for details. In this link you can review the most common questions asked in initial job interviews.

Even in the online environment, eye contact is very important. Instead of looking at the person on the screen, it is recommended to look directly at the webcam and stay engaged.

Pro Tip: If you're not comfortable, put a photo of someone you know next to the webcam. This way, you will feel like you are chatting with a friend. In general, this will make you feel more comfortable.

Notes can be very useful during an interview, but you will need to make sure that you read them in a subtle way. If you speak in a non-spontaneous way, you will disrupt the natural flow of the conversation, making it seem that you are not ready.

As in a personal interview, you have to find the time to present your strengths and achievements. It is essential to thank your interviewer for the time they have dedicated to you and make sure you know what the next steps to take during the selection process are.

The most important thing is that you don't stress too much. Online conferencing is commonly used in the first round of candidate interviews because it saves the company time and money and levels the playing field for candidates. In each question, try to get straight to the point. Generally the first interview is short and simple. The good news is that there will (most likely) be an in-person interview in the next round, giving you a chance to meet your potential employer in person.

How to dress for a job interview

The time has come, you have finally been called to go to a job interview and you are determined to get the position. In this article we are going to see X tips on how to dress for a job interview.

1. Research the company culture and dress code: If you are lucky enough to meet someone who works there, ask them directly how they usually dress in the company.

2. Whether it is a man or a woman, one of the main rules is to go clean, with clean nails, a well-groomed beard or shaved in the case of men, with clean and combed hair, and to wear perfume with a faint aroma.

3. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable with, it is not about dressing up as something you are not, but about transmitting professionalism.

4. All garments must be well ironed, without stains or patches. It should convey a neat and discreet image, so avoid torn or worn garments, even if they are designed that way.

5. The colors of the garments should be neutral, never too flashy. Regardless of whether it is a large or small company, bet on a discreet and classic image, leave aside the fanfare as the too flashy colors. Women could opt for a skirt or trouser suit in understated shades, such as black, navy blue, or beige. For men, the most suitable colors for the shirt are white or blue, and if you are wearing a suit, black or gray.

6. One tip on how to dress for a job interview for men is to wear a shirt instead of a T-shirt. For women, the variety is greater, although miniskirts, very tight clothing should be avoided and it is recommended to use long or French sleeves instead of suspenders.

7. As for the shoes, before entering the job interview, check that they are completely clean. It is preferable to use closed shoes than sandals. Also, if you wear a skirt or dress, even if it is summer you should wear stockings.

8. Avoid wearing too much jewelry, a few earrings and two rings at most. If you are a man and you have a piercing, it is preferable to remove it during the job interview. It is also advisable to cover the tattoos.

9. Women should not go overboard with makeup and it is better not to use perfume. It is also preferable not to wear nails painted with very bright colors.

10. Men must be clean shaven and well groomed. Among the accessories that are recommended are the watch and the belt.

11. Always make sure before going to the job interview that your clothes are perfectly ironed.

12. Finally, among the tips on how to dress in a job interview, you cannot miss a briefcase or a not too large bag, in which the resume (without folding) should be.

When wondering how to dress for a job interview, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the clothes go with your personality and in line with the company, but always formal and taking care of the details.

How to answer questions in a job interview

Given the large number of candidates who apply for the same job offer, companies use various types of questions to quickly and efficiently filter applicants who do not fit the profile they are looking for. We are going to focus on how to answer the most difficult questions in a job interview, bearing in mind that it is not advisable to use stereotypical answers, but rather to focus them on a certain profile.

1. Why should we select you and not another candidate?
Don't compare yourself to other candidates or former co-workers. You must emphasize your experience, knowledge, skills and personal competencies, focusing them on the position you would perform in the company. Some of the most valued transversal competences are adaptability, commitment, honesty, ability to communicate and leadership.

2. What are your weaknesses and strengths?

This may be one of the most difficult questions in a job interview and in First Job we already answered this question by dedicating an entire article on what we should answer about the strengths and weaknesses. To answer the question about flaws, the answer stereotype is usually "I'm too perfectionist" or "I push myself too hard at work." These answers may have been accepted a few years ago, but they have already become the typical and therefore unreliable answer. Use a credible answer but without questioning your professional ability. It is best to transform a defect into an opportunity to improve professionally. When they ask us about strengths and weaknesses in a job interview, it is very common to block ourselves when it comes to listing our negative points. First of all, it is important not to say the defects as something that we have assumed and that we no longer plan to improve, always expose it and then comment on what you do to improve it, for example: "In complex projects I used to have the problem of encountering an increase excessive workloads at the end, but lately I have improved this aspect by planning in a more realistic way and in advance "or" I think I should improve in the aspect of delegating functions to others, it is something that I have been improving and putting in practice lately. "

As for the virtues, it is your opportunity to show that you are a determined and positive person. Emphasize your personal skills that can help you develop your functions in that job. It is highly advisable before the interview, to have taken into account what information we have about the company, what kind of virtues or qualities can be most useful for that job, and based on all this, think of a list of skills that you own and could be interesting for the company. Always bear in mind that the transversal competences that most companies seek are: flexibility, commitment, responsibility, attitude, honesty, and the ability to learn.

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

The objective of this question in a job interview is to know if you have professional goals or aspirations. The current situation in the labor market and the difficulties in finding work make us generally a little pessimistic, and this is where the mistake lies. The answer should not be something fixed like "I hope in a few years to be the director of the sales area." It should be something more generic and realistic, explaining that you hope that this opportunity they offer you will allow you to continue with your professional and personal development.

4. If I asked a former co-worker, what would he tell me about you?

Before going to the job interview, remember, think about your former colleagues and prepare an answer so you do not hesitate when answering the question. If you've never worked, think about what a classmate, friend, or family member would say.
Knowing what to answer to these types of questions is never easy, so it is advisable that you ask someone close to you for an opinion (obviously positive) and that it is useful for the position you are applying for.

5. Why do you want to work in our company?

This is one of the most difficult job interview questions. Many candidates submit their resumes to job postings from companies that match their job profile for no specific reason that is related to the culture or history of that company. However, the first tip before going to a job interview is to research something about the company, and with that data, prepare a response including your long-term professional prospects. It is important to be honest, but do not resort to the answer "I am unemployed and I need a job".

Show that you know the company and that it can bring you something both professionally and personally.

6. Do you have any questions?

Always prepare several questions to ask at the end of the job interview. Some may be resolved in the course of the interview, so you should have a good number of them. Asking about your doubts indicates that you are interested in the position. Here's a guide to the kinds of questions you can ask during your job interview

These are some of the most difficult questions in a job interview. Remember to be positive and sincere and personalize all your answers by focusing them on your abilities and skills, both professional and personal. To finish, try not to lengthen your answers in the job interview too long and try to be concrete, concise and sincere. We all have defects, do not try to appear to be a perfect person, what they will value most about you in the job interview is that you have known how to identify them, recognize them and that you try to improve them. Remember that the ultimate goal of these questions in a job interview is to know yourself more thoroughly, so do not forget to value yourself, be honest and be confident.

Step 3:

Interview tips

Tips to nail your inteview

Job interviews can be overwhelming, especially if your prospective employer wants to chat face-to-face online. In recent years, online job interviews have become more popular and many companies regularly use video conferencing to conduct preliminary interviews; But especially in the wake of the pandemic, it has become much easier and cheaper to conduct online job interviews.

While online interviews are similar to traditional in-person meetings, they have some important differences that candidates should be prepared for. For example, depending on the type of online interview you are participating in, there are some cases where you are simply recording your responses rather than chatting with a live person on the other end. There are other cases where they allow you access to the interviewer's screen, to solve exam-type exercises. This can be stressful for some candidates.


Job interviews can be overwhelming, especially if your prospective employer wants to chat face-to-face online. In recent years, online job interviews have become more popular and many companies regularly use video conferencing to conduct preliminary interviews; But especially in the wake of the pandemic, it has become much easier and cheaper to conduct online job interviews.

While online interviews are similar to traditional in-person meetings, they have some important differences that candidates should be prepared for. For example, depending on the type of online interview you are participating in, there are some cases where you are simply recording your responses rather than chatting with a live person on the other end. There are other cases where they allow you access to the interviewer's screen, to solve exam-type exercises. This can be stressful for some candidates.

Going through an online job interview for the first time can be scary, but don't worry! Here are some tips to help you succeed:

In this day and age, technology can be overwhelming as well, especially with online interviews, but the most important thing is to feel comfortable using whatever method your prospective employee prefers (Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, etc.). Test these tools with friends or family before the interview to familiarize yourself with the tools. It's also important to test your internet connection as well as your audio and sound capabilities to make sure everything is working properly.

Pro Tip: Before you log in, ask the interviewer what the format is. Here are some questions to ask to make sure you are prepared:

Is it an audio interview or both audio and video?
Is there someone on the other side of the video or are the questions pre-recorded?
If they are pre recorded, how likely do I have to record my answer?
What do I do or who do I call if I start to have technical difficulties?

Choose a place where you can place the device stable, that it will not move during the interview, such as on a desk or dining table. Observe what is in your background when you are practicing for the interview. Try to choose a place where the people who live in your house will not pass behind you, and especially that a bathroom or the entrance of the house will not be seen in the background, this is in case if you will not be alone at the time of the interview. Make sure the area is not too dark, but also stay away from overhead lights during the interview if possible, ideally your face is clearly visible and not too light or too dark. If possible, try to get comfortable near a window. Natural light is best because poor lighting can be distracting. A glare could make it difficult for the interviewer to see you, and you always want to put your best foot (or in this case, face) forward!

Pro Tip: Find a good place to hold your online meeting the day before to make sure you're not in a rush before the interview.

Silence anything that might interfere with your conversation, including the phone and email notifications on your computer. Be careful to ensure that there is no background noise, such as music that someone else is listening to in your home, or a blender running from the kitchen.

Pro Tip: Make sure no one else is around when you complete the interview, including pets. Interviewers comment that they had cats walking across the computer screen and logging out, a half-dressed man walking across the room in the background, and stacks of dirty clothes in plain sight. Don't put your career in jeopardy if you're not prepared!

Although you will not be meeting with your interviewer in person, be sure to dress for success and sit up straight. First impressions are important and your appearance is crucial to making a good one. Check our clothing section in this link, for more details on this topic.

Pro tip: Don't forget to smile! Whether you're talking to a real person during the videoconference or recording your responses, smile like you would during an in-person interview, and always keep a positive attitude.

Go over your resume and practice your main talking points if you are nervous. Remember to slow down when speaking; it can be easy to talk to people on online calls.

Pro Tip: Although this particular interview is being conducted online, don't forget to review your traditional interviewing skills. You'll want to have your answers ready for some of the more common interview questions and samples in case they ask for details. In this link you can review the most common questions asked in initial job interviews.

Even in the online environment, eye contact is very important. Instead of looking at the person on the screen, it is recommended to look directly at the webcam and stay engaged.

Pro Tip: If you're not comfortable, put a photo of someone you know next to the webcam. This way, you will feel like you are chatting with a friend. In general, this will make you feel more comfortable.

Notes can be very useful during an interview, but you will need to make sure that you read them in a subtle way. If you speak in a non-spontaneous way, you will disrupt the natural flow of the conversation, making it seem that you are not ready.

As in a personal interview, you have to find the time to present your strengths and achievements. It is essential to thank your interviewer for the time they have dedicated to you and make sure you know what the next steps to take during the selection process are.

The most important thing is that you don't stress too much. Online conferencing is commonly used in the first round of candidate interviews because it saves the company time and money and levels the playing field for candidates. In each question, try to get straight to the point. Generally the first interview is short and simple. The good news is that there will (most likely) be an in-person interview in the next round, giving you a chance to meet your potential employer in person.

How to dress for a job interview

The time has come, you have finally been called to go to a job interview and you are determined to get the position. In this article we are going to see X tips on how to dress for a job interview.

1. Research the company culture and dress code: If you are lucky enough to meet someone who works there, ask them directly how they usually dress in the company.

2. Whether it is a man or a woman, one of the main rules is to go clean, with clean nails, a well-groomed beard or shaved in the case of men, with clean and combed hair, and to wear perfume with a faint aroma.

3. Wear clothes that you feel comfortable with, it is not about dressing up as something you are not, but about transmitting professionalism.

4. All garments must be well ironed, without stains or patches. It should convey a neat and discreet image, so avoid torn or worn garments, even if they are designed that way.

5. The colors of the garments should be neutral, never too flashy. Regardless of whether it is a large or small company, bet on a discreet and classic image, leave aside the fanfare as the too flashy colors. Women could opt for a skirt or trouser suit in understated shades, such as black, navy blue, or beige. For men, the most suitable colors for the shirt are white or blue, and if you are wearing a suit, black or gray.

6. One tip on how to dress for a job interview for men is to wear a shirt instead of a T-shirt. For women, the variety is greater, although miniskirts, very tight clothing should be avoided and it is recommended to use long or French sleeves instead of suspenders.

7. As for the shoes, before entering the job interview, check that they are completely clean. It is preferable to use closed shoes than sandals. Also, if you wear a skirt or dress, even if it is summer you should wear stockings.

8. Avoid wearing too much jewelry, a few earrings and two rings at most. If you are a man and you have a piercing, it is preferable to remove it during the job interview. It is also advisable to cover the tattoos.

9. Women should not go overboard with makeup and it is better not to use perfume. It is also preferable not to wear nails painted with very bright colors.

10. Men must be clean shaven and well groomed. Among the accessories that are recommended are the watch and the belt.

11. Always make sure before going to the job interview that your clothes are perfectly ironed.

12. Finally, among the tips on how to dress in a job interview, you cannot miss a briefcase or a not too large bag, in which the resume (without folding) should be.

When wondering how to dress for a job interview, the most important thing to keep in mind is that the clothes go with your personality and in line with the company, but always formal and taking care of the details.

How to answer questions in a job interview

Given the large number of candidates who apply for the same job offer, companies use various types of questions to quickly and efficiently filter applicants who do not fit the profile they are looking for. We are going to focus on how to answer the most difficult questions in a job interview, bearing in mind that it is not advisable to use stereotypical answers, but rather to focus them on a certain profile.

1. Why should we select you and not another candidate?
Don't compare yourself to other candidates or former co-workers. You must emphasize your experience, knowledge, skills and personal competencies, focusing them on the position you would perform in the company. Some of the most valued transversal competences are adaptability, commitment, honesty, ability to communicate and leadership.

2. What are your weaknesses and strengths?

This may be one of the most difficult questions in a job interview and in First Job we already answered this question by dedicating an entire article on what we should answer about the strengths and weaknesses. To answer the question about flaws, the answer stereotype is usually "I'm too perfectionist" or "I push myself too hard at work." These answers may have been accepted a few years ago, but they have already become the typical and therefore unreliable answer. Use a credible answer but without questioning your professional ability. It is best to transform a defect into an opportunity to improve professionally. When they ask us about strengths and weaknesses in a job interview, it is very common to block ourselves when it comes to listing our negative points. First of all, it is important not to say the defects as something that we have assumed and that we no longer plan to improve, always expose it and then comment on what you do to improve it, for example: "In complex projects I used to have the problem of encountering an increase excessive workloads at the end, but lately I have improved this aspect by planning in a more realistic way and in advance "or" I think I should improve in the aspect of delegating functions to others, it is something that I have been improving and putting in practice lately. "

As for the virtues, it is your opportunity to show that you are a determined and positive person. Emphasize your personal skills that can help you develop your functions in that job. It is highly advisable before the interview, to have taken into account what information we have about the company, what kind of virtues or qualities can be most useful for that job, and based on all this, think of a list of skills that you own and could be interesting for the company. Always bear in mind that the transversal competences that most companies seek are: flexibility, commitment, responsibility, attitude, honesty, and the ability to learn.

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

The objective of this question in a job interview is to know if you have professional goals or aspirations. The current situation in the labor market and the difficulties in finding work make us generally a little pessimistic, and this is where the mistake lies. The answer should not be something fixed like "I hope in a few years to be the director of the sales area." It should be something more generic and realistic, explaining that you hope that this opportunity they offer you will allow you to continue with your professional and personal development.

4. If I asked a former co-worker, what would he tell me about you?

Before going to the job interview, remember, think about your former colleagues and prepare an answer so you do not hesitate when answering the question. If you've never worked, think about what a classmate, friend, or family member would say.
Knowing what to answer to these types of questions is never easy, so it is advisable that you ask someone close to you for an opinion (obviously positive) and that it is useful for the position you are applying for.

5. Why do you want to work in our company?

This is one of the most difficult job interview questions. Many candidates submit their resumes to job postings from companies that match their job profile for no specific reason that is related to the culture or history of that company. However, the first tip before going to a job interview is to research something about the company, and with that data, prepare a response including your long-term professional prospects. It is important to be honest, but do not resort to the answer "I am unemployed and I need a job".

Show that you know the company and that it can bring you something both professionally and personally.

6. Do you have any questions?

Always prepare several questions to ask at the end of the job interview. Some may be resolved in the course of the interview, so you should have a good number of them. Asking about your doubts indicates that you are interested in the position. Here's a guide to the kinds of questions you can ask during your job interview

These are some of the most difficult questions in a job interview. Remember to be positive and sincere and personalize all your answers by focusing them on your abilities and skills, both professional and personal. To finish, try not to lengthen your answers in the job interview too long and try to be concrete, concise and sincere. We all have defects, do not try to appear to be a perfect person, what they will value most about you in the job interview is that you have known how to identify them, recognize them and that you try to improve them. Remember that the ultimate goal of these questions in a job interview is to know yourself more thoroughly, so do not forget to value yourself, be honest and be confident.

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