Special Education Paraprofessional - Sheridan County School Disctrict 2 - Sheridan, WY

Sheridan County School Disctrict 2

SCSD2 is seeking a positive, professional, and motivated Special Education Paraprofessional to join the Henry A. Coffeen Elementary School team for the 2020/2021 school year.


  • High School graduate or equivalent.
  • Good command of the English language.
  • Ability to work well with students and staff.
  • Working knowledge and competency in reading, math, English, and related academic subjects.
  • Typing and computer skills preferred.

REPORTS TO: Building Principal and Resource Teacher


To assist the teaching staff in supporting the learning programs for students in their designated educational environment.


  • Works with individual students or small groups of students to reinforce learning of material or skills initially introduced by the teacher.
  • Assists the teacher in devising special strategies for reinforcing material or skills based on a sympathetic understanding of individual students, their needs, interests, and abilities.
  • Helps students master equipment or instructional materials assigned by the teacher.
  • Guides independent study, enrichment work, and remedial work set up and assigned by the teacher.
  • Assists with the supervision of students during emergency drills, assemblies, play periods, and field trips.
  • Reads to students, listens to students read, and participates in other forms of oral communication with students.
  • Maintains a high level of ethical behavior and confidentiality of information concerning school matters.
  • Works directly under the supervision of a special education teacher.


  • Lower body strength to stand and walk throughout the workday.
  • Upper body strength ability to lift students for positioning in wheelchairs, side lyers, or floor mats. (Back support provided if needed.)


Employment relationship with the District is at will and of indefinite duration. Salary and fringe benefits to be set by the Board of Trustees.

Job Category: Classified

Exemption Status: non-exempt

Days/year: 176

Hours/day: 7

Insurance Eligibility: full-time insurance

Contract position: no

Placement on any of the Classified (Hourly) Wage Schedules for all new employees will be based solely on an individual’s years of job-related experience:

  • School district experience (full time) = One (1) year of job-related experience equals one (1) step on the wage schedule, up to step seven (7)
  • School district experience (substitute) & non-school district experience = three (3) years of job-related experience equals one (1) step on the wage schedule, up to step seven (7)
  • placement beyond step seven (7) requires approval from the Superintendent

Upon board approval, eligible staff move one (1) step on the wage schedule annually, except in those years when the Board of Trustees sets a wage freeze due to budget constraints.


The performance of this job will be evaluated in accordance with provisions of the Board’s Policy on Evaluations of Classified Personnel.

The closing date displayed is a
guideline for candidates and hiring committees. All job postings shall be open for a minimum of five days before they are filled. Once five days have elapsed, committees may begin selecting, interviewing, and hiring qualified candidates. An application is not a guarantee for an interview. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply early, as job postings may close sooner than the listed close date.

This job description serves as a representative summary of the types of duties and responsibilities that will be required of this position and shall not be construed as a declaration of the specific duties and responsibilities of any particular position. Employees may be requested to perform job-related tasks other than those specifically presented in this description. Fair Labor Standards Act exemption status(exempt/non-exempt from overtime) is designated by position. Sheridan County School District No. 2 is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively supports the Americans with Disabilities Act and will consider reasonable accommodations.

Wyoming State Statute requires any employee initially hired by SCSD2 on or after July 1, 1996, to pass a criminal background check with DCI (Department of Criminal Investigation).


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