Delivery Driver - Full-time

  • Full Time
  • Anywhere

Saratoga, CA

Saratoga, CA - Are you interested in a new opportunity where you can work independently, make a difference in your community, and delight hundreds of customers every day? Apply to be a Delivery Driver for an Amazon Delivery Service Partner (DSP) today. DSPs provide contracted delivery services to Amazon and are hiring Delivery Drivers to meet growing customer demand as we approach the holiday season. DSPs offer competitive compensation, benefits, a great company culture, and opportunities for growth. No delivery experience required - apply today to schedule your in-person or virtual interview. DSPs are making on-the-spot job offers contingent on meeting eligibility requirements. What You'll Do: As a Delivery Driver, you'll drive an Amazon-branded vehicle, delivering 200-250 packages per day. You will be a delivery hero in the neighborhoods you serve - delivering hundreds of smiles to customers every day in the form of critical supplies, household goods, toys and so much more. You can expect to wo...


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