
See how other organizations like yours are having a direct impact on veteran’s lives. 
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Empowering America's Veterans Through Partnership

Donate now or contact us directly for sponsorship opportunties.
Establish your brand as one that aligns with our successful and free programs for veterans.

DVNF Featured Programs

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) provides critically needed support to disabled and at-risk veterans who leave the military wounded—physically or psychologically—after defending our safety and our freedom.

Food is the most basic necessity. Our Veterans should not be without meals and with your support we can help them. With your support - we even deliver the groceries!

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By contributing to the Homeless to Housing (H2H) program, you help provide crucial financial assistance to Veterans transitioning from homelessness to permanent housing.

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Programs & Partner Giving Tiers

Mission Possible

An immensely useful self-care online course for well-being and mental health. More than 50 years of experience in Mind/Body medicine placed in one life-changing program.

Thanks to our generous donors, this program is 100% free to military veterans and first responders or their family members who sign up.

Your support gives more heroes free access to this valuable service.
Donate Now

Veterans Resource Fair

Through DVNF's Special Initiatives like our Annual Resource Fair, Tailored for Troops (Suit Up) initiative and the support of The US Veterans Wheelchair Games and many more, your Partnership will impact hundreds more veterans in very positive ways.
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Health & Comfort program

Providing necessities for homeless and disabled and at-risk veterans. Comfort Kits are distributed primarily through Veteran Stand Downs nationally. Comfort Kits can include items such as blankets, toiletries and clothing.
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Capacity Building Grants

Supporting like minded organizations that provide a wide variety of therapeutic programming, homelessness services, run shelters, engage in physical rehabilitation and conduct employment services for disabled and at-risk veterans.
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Support Our Veterans

Game Changer $25,000

Game Changer - $25,000

  • Tax Receipt provided
  • Press release of your organizations contribution
  • Recognition as a Program Partner at DVNF's Annual Resources Fair via; "GAME CHANGER" Banner with your Logo
  • Corporate Logo displayed on DVNF's Scrolling Banner and on all our social media platforms as a "GAME CHANGER"
  • Featured in post event write up for each event that is sponsored via e-mail blast and impact reports
  • Corporate Logo, 250 Character description and link to your website on our social media platform (FACE BOOK, TWITTER, ETC..)
  • DVNF will host your organizations BIO on the front page of our website as a "GAME CHANGER"
  • Your organization will receive an impact report outlining how the funds are being used and how many disabled and at-risk veterans are being served by your generous donation.  Your donation will be marked and used as restricted funds; meaning all funds will be used for the program itself and not used for overhead expenses.

Influencer - $15,000

  • Tax Receipt provided
  • Press release of your organizations contribution
  • Recognition as a Program Partner at DVNF's Annual Resources Fair via; "INFLUENCER" Banner with your Logo
  • Corporate Logo displayed on DVNF's Scrolling Banner and on all our social media platforms as a "INFLUENCER"
  • Featured in post event write up for each event that is sponsored via e-mail blast and impact reports
  • Corporate Logo, 250 Character description and link to your website on our social media platform  (FACE BOOK, TWITTER, ETC..)
  • Your organization will receive an impact report outlining how the funds are being used and how many disabled and at-risk veterans are being served by your generous donation.  Your donation will be marked and used as restricted funds; meaning all funds will be used for the program itself and not used for overhead expenses.

Differentiator - $5,000

  • Tax Receipt provided
  • Press release of your organizations contribution
  • Recognition as a Program Partner at DVNF's Annual Resources Fair via; "DIFFERENTIATOR" Banner with your Logo
  • Featured in post event write up for each event that is sponsored via e-mail blast and impact reports
  • Corporate Logo, 250 Character description and link to your website on our social media platform (FACE BOOK, TWITTER, ETC..)

In a competitive business environment


According to multiple studies commissioned by the U.S. Small Business Administration and others, military veterans are twice more likely than non-veterans to pursue business ownership after leaving service, and the five-year success rate of ventures owned by veterans is significantly higher than the national average.


Research studies focused on both military personnel and veterans indicate that the military service experience engenders a strong propensity toward an inherent trust and faith in co-workers, and also a strong propensity toward trust in organizational leadership. In turn, the academic literature broadly supports the finding that organizations where trust between co-workers–and between employees and leadership–is strong, organizational performance is enhanced.


Several studies focused on skills transfer have highlighted that military service members and veterans are particularly skilled in this ability. Research has attributed this finding to the fact that military training most often includes contingency and
scenario-based pedagogy, and as a result service members and veterans develop cognitive heuristics that readily facilitate
knowledge/skills transfer between disparate tasks and situations.


Military experience, on average, exposes individuals to
highly advanced technology and technology training at a rate that is accelerated relative to non-military, age group peers.
Research validates the suggestion that this accelerated exposure to high-technology contributes to an enhanced ability to link technology-based solutions to organizational challenges, and also the transfer of technological skills to disparate work-tasks.


Cognitive and decision-making research has demonstrated that the military experience is positively correlated to the ability to accurately evaluate a dynamic decision environment, and subsequently act in the face of uncertainty. Several studies highlight that this ability is further enhanced and developed in individuals whose military experience has included service in a combat environment.


According to multiple studies commissioned by the U.S. Small Business Administration and others, military veterans are twice more likely than non-veterans to pursue business ownership after leaving service, and the five-year success rate of ventures owned by veterans is significantly higher than the national average.


Research studies focused on both military personnel and veterans indicate that the military service experience engenders a strong propensity toward an inherent trust and faith in co-workers, and also a strong propensity toward trust in organizational leadership. In turn, the academic literature broadly supports the finding that organizations where trust between co-workers–and between employees and leadership–is strong, organizational performance is enhanced.


Several studies focused on skills transfer have highlighted that military service members and veterans are particularly skilled in this ability. Research has attributed this finding to the fact that military training most often includes contingency and
scenario-based pedagogy, and as a result service members and veterans develop cognitive heuristics that readily facilitate
knowledge/skills transfer between disparate tasks and situations.


Military experience, on average, exposes individuals to
highly advanced technology and technology training at a rate that is accelerated relative to non-military, age group peers.
Research validates the suggestion that this accelerated exposure to high-technology contributes to an enhanced ability to link technology-based solutions to organizational challenges, and also the transfer of technological skills to disparate work-tasks.


Cognitive and decision-making research has demonstrated that the military experience is positively correlated to the ability to accurately evaluate a dynamic decision environment, and subsequently act in the face of uncertainty. Several studies highlight that this ability is further enhanced and developed in individuals whose military experience has included service in a combat environment.


See how other organizations like yours are having a direct impact on veteran’s lives. 
Get information on unique ways to partner with DVNF.

Getting Started

Get Information On Unique Ways To Partner With DVNF.
© 2019 Disabled Veterans National Foundation a tax-exempt 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization EIN #26-1446183 
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